Shostakovich String Quartets 10, 15

The Brodsky Quartet play the Complete Shostakovich Quartets

Sunday 18 February 2024

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A rare and exhilarating opportunity to hear all of Shostakovich’s incredible string quartets in one weekend. Or pace yourself and pick one or two that take your fancy. Tickets are available per concert, per day or for the weekend.

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Shostakovich dedicated the Tenth Quartet (1964) to his good friend, and fellow composer, Mieczysław Weinberg. When the two men realised that each had composed nine quartets they laid a bet as to who would get to ten first – no prizes for guessing who won that bet!

The Fifteenth Quartet (1974) is one of the great religious works in all of music – sitting alongside Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross or Mozart’s Requiem. It is a gift from a more enlightened place. It is a deeply moving experience for performers and listeners alike; we are brought to a place of great calm. Whatever terrors, joys, loves, or losses present themselves, we seem to be suspended both emotionally and in time.

£15 (+£1 booking fee)

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Under 30s Members


Saturday Day Pass, £54 (+ no booking fee)
Under 30s, £30

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Sunday Day Pass, £42 (+ no booking fee)
Under 30s, £30

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Weekend Pass, £90 (+ no booking fee)
Under 30s, £60

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The Brodsky Quartet

Now in their sixth decade as an ensemble, the Brodsky Quartet are among the most beloved interpreters of Shostakovich, a creative relationship that goes back to 1972, the year they formed. 

They invite you to join them in celebrating the most magical and intimate journey in all music. Come and revel in the personal diaries of one of the world’s greatest ever musicians. Initially inspired by life – the birth of his son – and finishing with our collective demise, these masterpieces address family, friends, enemies and lovers; with every conceivable emotion explored. We promise you a rollercoaster. Take the ride!

Shostakovich String Quartets 10, 15

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